Haiku Challenge – Day 2

…..winter has come upon us quickly this year

Usually winter approaches us gradually but this year the temperatures dropped below freezing overnight and we were totally unprepared for the icy temperatures. One day the ground was still soft and mushy and the next it was like a block of ice. So much for getting my tulip bulbs planted this year. Maybe we’ll have a bit of a warm spell like they had in Calgary this week.P1000029

Ode to Winter

 Cold winds bite the skin,

 dampness chills you to the core

Warmth awaits indoors


Frostbite nibbles cheeks,

and shows little mercy to

ears, fingers and toes


Clouds of CO2

emerge in foggy pillows

with each breath taken


Old man Winter blows

upon unsuspecting towns

frigid and ruthless


For more Haiku check out the Daily Post Challenge at:
